Tenth International Convention of Asia Scholars
I delivered this July 2017 presentation as part of the Tenth International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS 10)’s “Early Overseas Chinese Newspaper Fiction Published in Singapore and Australia” panel. The convention was held in Chiangmai, and attracted a large number of scholars from a highly diverse range of disciplines. My presentation was a modified version of the one that I had delivered at the ASAL conference earlier in the month, and was likewise entitled “Australia’s First Chinese Novel (The Poison of Polygamy), and issues relevant to its translation and the translation of literature of its type”.
Photograph with my fellow panelists. From left: panel convener and expert on Singapore’s early Chinese-language fiction Dr. KOW Mei Kao (辜美高博士), National University of Singapore; Dr. WONG Chee Meng (黃子明博士), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore); Dr. Michael Williams, Western Sydney University (Australia); and me, “Independent Researcher, Australia”.