SBS Cantonese interview
Photograph copyright SBS 2015.
Being less than enamoured of sound of my own voice, I rather relucantly accepted this invitation to participate in a Cantonese-language interview on SBS radio, in order to advertise an upcoming exhibition at the Museum of Australian Democracy at Eureka (MADE) in Ballarat. The exhibition featured copies of the “Chinese Advertiser” and “English and Chinese Advertiser”, which are Chinese-language advertising sheets that were printed and distributed on the Ballarat goldfields of the 1850s and 60s. Having a personal connection to Ballarat, and being aware that calls for English translations of the advertising sheets had hitherto gone unanswered, I had recently taken it upon myself to voluntarily translate the small surviving number of these remarkable documents, an act which had precipitated the invitation. The interview turned out to be wide-ranging, covering such diverse topics as language learning and my fondness for Cantonese folk music. It was broadcast in parts from 23/03/15 to 11/01/16, and conducted by a most competent and professional interviewer in the person of long-term SBS news presenter and talk-show host Mr. Aaron Wan (溫楚良先生).